Individual Tax Returns

We can help you maximise your tax refund, and will complete and lodge your tax return with a minimum of hassle. We can also provide tax planning advice, advising you on what records you need to keep and what strategies you can use to minimise your tax now and in future years.

What does it cost to do my tax return?
Our prices are as follows:
Standard Tax Return: $110
Couple's Tax Returns (x2): $200
Rental Schedule: $60 (additional)
Capital Gains Schedule: from $40 (additional)
Our prices for individual tax returns may vary, depending on the complexity of your affairs. Tax returns for individuals operating a sole trader business will be higher and will depend on the nature, size and complexity of your business. If you owned a rental property during the year, or if you disposed of shares or a rental property you are required to complete an additional schedule which needs to be lodged with the ATO. Completion of these additional schedules usually attracts an additional charge. We will let you know if your return is going to cost more than our standard prices above before we complete the work.

Business Tax Returns
Our prices for tax returns for partnerships, companies, trusts and self-managed super funds vary depending on the complexity of your situation and the volume of work required. We can provide a quote based on your situation after a brief consultation.
What should I bring with me?

You'll need to bring at least your Tax File Number with you, as well as your current bank account details (from 1 July 2013, the ATO requires that all refunds be paid electronically directly into your bank account). We've also prepared a quick and simple checklist of other items that you can bring along to make the process quicker, and to help us get the best outcome for you. Check out our: Tax Return Checklist.

How can I make a booking?
To make a booking, simply give us a call on (03) 8368 2373 or 0417 566 474 or send us an email with your preferred times to
We are available after hours by appointment, so please contact us to request a time to see us. From July to September each year, we're available for bookings after hours by appointment. Please call us on (03) 8368 2373 or 0417 566 474 to make an after-hours booking.

How long will it take to do my tax return?
For most people, it takes less than an hour for our interview and for us to get all the information that we need to finalise your tax return. We would usually be able to give you a very close estimate of your tax refund or amount payable by that stage. In some case, we might even have it all prepared and ready to sign by the end of the hour. If not, we will typically finish off your return and have it to you to review and sign within 24-48 hours.
Once the return is lodged, the ATO advise that individual tax returns are usually processed within 14 days. That means it will generally be less than three weeks between our interview, and you having your refund in your bank account.
If you haven’t received your refund within 28-days of your return being lodged, we will typically contact the ATO to enquire about the progress of your return.

When is my tax return due?
Individual tax returns for any financial year are due for lodgement by 31 October of that year.
However, if you get an accountant (who is a Registered Tax Agent) to prepare your tax return, they generally have until around mid-May the following calendar year. If Lancia & Co didn’t prepare your tax return last year, it’s important to get in touch with us before 31 October so that we can ensure you will have this additional time to lodge your return this year.

I haven't lodged in years. Can you help?
We have helped many clients get all of their tax affairs up to date, some after many years of not lodging tax returns. Being so far behind in your taxes can be a very stressful situation, and in our experience, it's always better to talk to the experts about your situation and get it resolved.
At Lancia & Co, we will make a determined effort to limit the pain as much as possible. If we think there is a good reason for it, we will ask the ATO to waive any fines or interest for late tax returns.
We will also negotiate with the ATO for a payment arrangement for the debt. We can often arrange to spread the payment of your tax debts over 12 months, or longer in some cases.